On Friday 27th October The PROSPECTS Foundation and Roger Cunliffe hosted a Halloween themed bat walk at Woodnook Vale LNR! Participants got dressed up in their scariest costumes and headed down to the Vale with bat detectors in hand to listen out for some of our flying friends!

Initially, the bats were too terrified by the amazing costumes we had so they stayed clear but by the walk back and calmed down enough to demonstrate their calls for us!

The participants managed to hear the call of the UK’s most common species of bat, the Common pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) while learning some interesting and valuable facts too!

Prizes were given for the best costumes and everyone walked away with a goody bag of sweets and a recyclable animal toy!

Thank you to everyone who attended and to Roger for kindly agreeing to share his expertise with us!